Building on my previous post on the Mobile Suite that has evolved is the recent addition of a bookmarking and more application that has solved countless problems with being mobile and working in the cloud ...
Whenever you are using a browser, the bookmarking function is essential to keep your links and pages in order and at your fingertips ... I have been using Foxmarks for a while and find that it works great to allow a consistent browser environment across multiple machines ... well Foxmarks just changed it's name to Xmarks to signal a move across browser boudaries as they indicate IE and Safari access now and more to come ... this ability to have all your bookmarks and the research you have done is priceless in the scheme of things and will allow you efficient recall of basic items ...
An extension to a previous tip that may be of further help ... by exporting your email conversations into a google doc or any other doc by cut and paste, you now can bookmark in a folder on Xmarks to bring up all of your work docs on that subject or paper regardless of machine you are on ... truly the cloud idea for mobility and utility ... by using the Xmarks to set up a desktop to the work you have saved, you can add and delete current info to a desktop in firefox that will open all of them at once to get you up and going (open a fresh firefox window and open docs, spreadsheets, presentations as you are working, then save group in new folder by saving all tabs before you close the browser) ... now whenever you start work again, simply open that folder will all tabs and bingo !!! GREAT timesaver and of added benefit when you are working on a paper or process or even homework ... no matter where you are or what machine you are on ....
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