Friday, January 11, 2008

Couple of Productivity Tips ....

Wow ... almost a month since the last post ... have been busy, but that is really no excuse, so here goes .... let me qualify some of this as I am using the Firefox 3 Beta 2 version of the Firefox browser and so far have had good success with it ...

I happened on this tip in Lifehacker and now use it effectively throughout my day. This will add a side window on gmail (also my now default email client) ... the screenshot shows my gmail window with the sidebar ... whenever you open an email, one of the further actions on the pulldown meny is create a task .. once you do that the email will appear on the list as an item today ... you can mouseover the item and change dates and title ... once that is accomplised I ususally archive the actual email ... when the date occurs, you mouseover the task and you will see the email icon in the upper right corner ... hit that and voila you are right back in the archived email and can send a followup .... it is extra slick and takes care of an immense amount of clutter I had in my inbox ... this is how I use it, but I'm sure there will be many resourceful users who create their path (click on the Lifehacker article to get the plug in link).

The second new animal is UberNote ... a simple list and note taking utility that has some extremely useful features ... again, as I kinda use gmail as my online dashboard, having a good way to create items that can then be put on my with more extensive documentation. Research notes, ideas, screen captures, links ... all viable items that can be posted to your big note and then emailed to your box (see the little email icon ... just hit that and the note goes flying to your inbox) ... further use then with the remember the milk sidebar or even then using the actual Remember the Milk web based client to further refine the storage or categorization of the note. The utility of this is the open ended chain for reminder or information processing ... having the web note open and ready to store research or thoughts spontaneously helps to not interrupt the flow of an idea ... all goes a long way to higher productivity ...

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