Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Active Pdf Export ....

Here is a particulary useful new twist added to the MindManager 8 list of useful features ... you can now export a map in a pdf file that allows for viewing and links to the net ... this is a shot of a quick map I created last night from yesterday's RSS feeds that I follow ... these illustrate and link to the web items of interest to an iphone user, the first map is the overall pdf that was created and you can see the topics.

The second shot is after clicking on the small plus on the pdf for MindManager 8, it expands the topic and shows an insert of new feature screen shot and then underneath it active links that you can simply click on and it will take your browser to the web location specified in the hyperlink. Imagine the possibilities, you could create a mini brochure to your website with targeted marketing efforts and also a view of current research, background info, and ordering link. This could be done like an active handout targeting a specific interest or product. That way the customer would be directed specifically to his interest rather than having to sort through an entire website.

One could also create and active document that you could continually add to as you get feedback or more links ... like a grand knowledgebase that could be built interactively ... with this new export feature, an entirely new process has been opened ... great stuff ...

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